Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Witnessing the slow suicide of a once lovely lady

Before reading the following article, please know and be assured that I have absolutely no political agenda in mind and no personal grudge or ill-will towards anyone, including the President or any other politician. The point, in fact, as you read what has been written, is that the heart of mankind is the real problem, and not which president or political party is in control. All is corrupt apart from the renewing work of Christ and the indwelling work of God’s Holy Spirit. So please read and understand the sum and substance of what is said and don’t let your thoughts get bogged down in the mire of American politics. (Those who know me know that my political ideology is staunchly independent, borrowing from both Libertarian and Constitutionalist, as well as the Ass and the Elephant, with the ultimate goal being a Biblical worldview of politics.)

The actions that the President of the United States of America (democratically elected by the people of said country) has been taking, specifically against the security of Christian principles, makes me sick to the point of sadness. The article linked here is a very good one that explains some of these actions and then focuses on one of the latest promises that the President has made: to rescind the "conscience protection" that doctors currently enjoy (as of April 2009). This protection allows doctors to obey their conscience in regards to refusing to perform any medical procedure that violates their conscience, including an abortion, without fear of legal ramifications. If a doctor does not want to perform such a procedure, they don't have to. And if the patient is so affronted as to become apoplectic and seeks legal redress rather than seeking a different doctor, the doctor is protected by law... at least that's how it's been in the past.

To be sure, this is only one example of many from the current administration, but the symptoms of the problem go back long before the current administration, spanning many Presidential Administrations (of all parties), Supreme Court judges, and Congresses over the past several decades. So please don't construe this as an attack on the President of the United States or the party to which he belongs. The issue that presently breaks my allegiant heart is so much older and larger than one man and/or one political party.

Now I know that as a disciple of Christ and a child of the Most High my true citizenship is in Heaven. I am sure of this to the core of my very being. I also know that people of every tongue, tribe, and nation are equally desired by God to be His chosen ones. Nevertheless, I can't help but ache and weep for my earthly countrymen. I find myself continually in mourning for my nation of birth; for the beacon of light that once stood tall as a symbol of hope and freedom based on the principles of the Scriptures and the good conscience of the men and women who held to them. I feel as if throughout the short course of my life I've been chosen to witness the slow and painful suicide of a once strong, caring and godly lady. I feel as if I know her intimately - from years spent studying and admiring this courageous and honorable heroine -and now my hopeful heart is being torn apart as she, later in life, takes to potation and prostitution and a prolonged death by poisoning.

Others were there at the very beginning, and still others will be there at the very end. But my generation is the one that has been born and raised, and will grow old and die, watching the slow death of a once inimitable nation as the poison of pride, self-reliance, materialism, and self-worship darkens and destroys what began with the brightest of hope. It is the primordial poison of the "I will". Though, at this time, the U.S. dollar still reads, "IN GOD WE TRUST", that God has been relentlessly trampled upon over the last century like the remnant of a foul smelling excrement that a nation is desperate to get off of it's collective shoe. It seems that when someone points out that America is supposed to be a "Christian" nation, America lifts her shoe to show to all that the "stink" is still there. And when another cries that America is no longer a "Christian" nation, once again she lifts her shoe to show to all what she thinks of Christ.

America still trusts in “god”, but her god is no longer Christ, but her self — fashioned in the image of another. The hope of a life of peace and prosperity through reliance upon the power and providence of God — a hope that was born as her twin at birth — has now in the twilight of her life become a demand for a life of peace and prosperity by relying solely on the self-will and self-determination of a perpetually corrupt populace. Why ask nicely from the Almighty when we can take what we want in the name of "freedom"? Why live within the bounds of His best for us when we can determine boundaries of our own liking and do what we think is best?

This is the mind of America today. This was also the mind of another former beacon of light whose very name meant "shining one". He now, with new name, lurks in the shadows of death and despair, and as in a lucid dream he labors and toils to accomplish his will, but only to wake to an inevitable and eternal death. Psalm 135:15-18 tells us that we become like the gods we worship. So if the mind of the nation has become like that of the fallen star, the cherub that once covered the very throne of God, then the "god" in which she puts her trust in made evident. America the beautiful, "How you have fallen".

If you feel the same as me, please remember to pray for revival in the hearts of the people; and that revival should begin with those who are His body - the ekklesia. Thanks.

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