This story is from our September 2009 Update. You can download the complete color mini-mag in PDF format here. If you would like one mailed directly to you, including all of the articles like this one, please contact Far Reaching Ministries in the United States at (951) 677-4474.

Jon continues to work with our friend Gabriel, a local Tanzanian and recent graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, California. Together they are having a weekly Bible Study at Gabriel’s house on Saturday evenings. The response has been very good, with most seats full each week.

Last month, during the question and answer time after one study, a young man asked a bold question about the passage from Romans 1 which Gabriel had taught. He said, “You read that we should be able to see that God exists by looking at the world around us. I don’t believe that God exists. How am I supposed to see Him when I look around me? Can you prove to me that God exists?”
By God’s grace, Jon was able to share with this young man, Yusufu, about the witness of creation: that everything designed must have a designer. He used simple examples like the pair of sandals Yusufu was wearing and the tree they were standing by. Midway through the conversation the proverbial light bulb went on and suddenly Yusufu understood that everything had a beginning and that beginning was God. Jon continued sharing, moving on to the gospel message, and Yusufu prayed and confessed Christ as His Lord. He received a Bible and was encouraged to continue coming and asking good questions.
Please pray for Yusufu’s continued growth in Christ. Also
pray for Gabriel and Jon as they go forward with this Bible Study, seeing what God wants to do, as well as for provision for Bibles to give to new believers.
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