One of the ministry opportunities that they were able to experience while here was a visit to the nearby village of Kaseke, where I had arranged for two days of teaching and edifying the local believers and one night of town-wide evangelism.
We arrived early in the morning and got right to work. Bond and Jon kicked things off with the help of our friend and translator, Gabriel. Bond taught all of the local pastors and church leaders from twelve different churches, allowing plenty of time for questions and answers, which they truly enjoy. After the morning session, we served lunch to all of the men - about sixty - as well as all of the women coming for the afternoon women’s session - about one hundred and twenty - for a total of one hundred and eighty brothers and sisters in Christ! Needless to say, lunch took a while.
Unfortunately Gabriel became quite ill with malaria so Jon had to drive him back to Kigoma for treatment and find another translator for the evening evangelism. God was gracious and blessed us with the help of a young man named Francis who serves at another local ministry. Jon picked him up and brought him back to Kaseke.
That night we showed “The Jesus Film” in Swahili to about six hundred people. We thank God that we were able to borrow the speakers, screen, mics, etc. to be able to do this outreach (we’re praying for our own equipment). He always provides. At the end of the film Francis did a short gospel presentation and many responded to Christ.
We continued teaching the next day, with Heather and Carrie teaching the ladies in the afternoon. They were so excited to receive these visiting teachers, and, like the men, their main request was for Bibles. We plan to answer that request. Please pray that God would provide for the much needed Bibles.
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