Sunday, August 17, 2008

Visiting Martin's Family at their tukul

Martin invited me to visit him and his family at their tukul, about a five minute walk from the compound. Martin is one of the Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) local staff members. His first contact with FRM was when he attended Bible School in the refugee camp in Uganda many years ago. After graduating from that, he returned to his native Sudan and joined the Chaplain Corps of the SPLA, started by FRM in 1999. He was one of the students in the very first class of Chaplains. After serving as a chaplain in the SPLA for a few years, he went into full time ministry with FRM and has served in a few different places, including Nimule, Sudan and Kitgum, Uganda. He speaks his two native languages, as well as the lingua franca of Southern Sudan (Juba Arabic), the "official" language of Southern Sudan (English), and also Ugandan Kiswahili (or Swahili). Martin's wife is Susan, and his children are Joyce, Jacob and Esau (twins), and Missy. Only Jacob, Esau, and Missy are biologically their children. Martin and Susan took in Joyce nine years ago (the same year they were married) to remove her from a very bad situation with her mother (Martin's unsaved sister). They have raised her as their own ever since.

It was a blessing to meet them and visit with them. We sat and talked while having warm sodas. The kids were VERY shy, but cute.

Joyce, their oldest daughter

Martin, with his twin sons, Jacob and Esau

Standing outside Martin's and Susan's tukul. Susan is holding Missy, the baby

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