Monday, August 18, 2008

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't out to get you!

You know that saying that goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that some isn’t out to get you.” The idea of course being that the irrational fear of someone being out to get you does not necessarily mean that someone is not actually out to get you. I found that this applies to ants as well! I was laying in bed one night (and this is a general representation of each and every night) and I kept feeling as though an ant was crawling on me or nibbling on me or something. I would scratch the affected area and then try to sleep. This continued off and on before I fell asleep and even during the night while sleeping. I would tell myself that it was nothing but my regular itchiness heightened by the effect of the heat and humidity on my sensitive skin. This helped me to eventually sleep through the night ignoring the thoughts of the ithces being caused by ants crawling on me. I actually awoke the next morning with the thought still swirling around in my head as I felt an itch on my right forearm. I groggily opened my eyes - which, by chance, were pointed directly at my right forearm - an lo and behold there was an ant crawling on me! So... the moral of the story is the same as the one about being paranoid. “Just because you have an irrational fear that ants are crawling on you in your sleep, doesn’t mean that they’re not!

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