Home Sweet Home... Sort of. In late July I (Jon) finally boarded my flight home. I can’t tell you how excited I was to finally be headed back to Africa. We as a family are so blessed to be counted worthy to serve our Lord in this way. We’re also excited at the thought of being in heaven together some day and having fellowship with all of those who have been a part of what the Lord is doing in Tanzania, whether ministry partners or those whom we are ministering to. We’ll all join together in praises to Him, thanking Him for His grace and the opportunity to know and serve Him. Until then, we keep living each day as a loving testimony to His power and grace in our lives, each according to the gifts and calling He’s put in our lives at this time. For us, that gift and calling right now is to share the Good News of Christ and His love in East Africa. So, while I haven’t technically reached “home sweet home” in Kigoma yet, I have made it as far as Southern Sudan! FRM has a pastor and chaplain training center in Southern Sudan, and they needed some teachers to help kick off the new class of students. I am honored and blessed to get to spend some time here and get to know my Sudanese brothers in Christ, as well as to share the Word with them as we study through the book of Genesis. Once I’m done here, I’ll complete my
journey home to Kigoma, Tanzania, where I can resume the ministry in the church there, as well as doing outreaches to the villages to the south. I also hope to visit one of my Bible College
View of Lake Tanganyika from our house. The mountains of Congo are in the background.students, Bahati, in his home village across the huge expanse of Lake Tanganyika in Baraka, DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). If the Lord makes a way and allows the time, money, and appropriate guide for my safety, then I’m rearing to go and establish a relationship with his village that could lead to further opportunities for ministry. We shall see and I will certainly keep you informed.
A Season of Separation. As you may already know or have just realized, Carrie and the kids are still in the States. For reasons too lengthy to discuss in this update, it was best for her to stay and give birth to our daughter in the States, rather than here in East Africa. Because of this change of plans, we will be separated for a couple of months. Once the baby is born, then we will all be reunited and back together as a team in Tanzania. Until then, we truly covet your prayers for strength, comfort, encouragement, a healthy pregnancy, and a healthy delivery. We have been separated before for two weeks or so, but never for over two months. We are confident that the Lord will bring us through, and we have plenty to keep us busy while we’re apart. Still, it’s not fun to be apart from those you love the most, especially since we’ve already given up being close to our extended family and friends by moving to Africa in the first place. So thank you for your love and prayer for this season of separation.
The Youth of Kigoma/Ujiji. One of the areas of ministry the Lord has put on our hearts is to reach the youth of Kigoma and Ujiji. We live about half way between these two towns, and have experienced first-hand the level of neglect most of the kids are subject to. From the time they’re old enough to walk until they’re grown and married, it seems that most of them are completely without direction, guidance, discipline, or positive stimulation. They aren’t stimulated mentally, as most cannot afford the basic uniforms and books to attend school. They aren’t stimulated physically, as there are no organized sports or other positive activities to be involved with, other
Some of the kids from Burega - the neighborhood we live in.than the extremely limited program at the schools that they can’t afford to attend. They aren’t stimulated spiritually, as most churches neglect to teach the younger children and scare off the older youth with their works-based religion and a style of church government and liturgy that causes the youth to fear the pastor rather than fearing God. They desperately need someone to show an interest in them, mentor them, and most importantly... POINT THEM TO JESUS. He alone is the great physician, teacher, healer, and creator of life. We hope to be used by Him to bring the love of Christ to all of the children of Kigoma and Ujiji, whether they call themselves Christian, Muslim, Catholic, or anything else. We hope to show them the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Not to teach them our way or our ideas, but to lead them to the One who can save them and set them free, to disciple them in the Word so they know what He wants them to do with their freedom, and to love them with the love of Christ and be there for them in a way that their parents and churches have not yet learned how to do. This leads to the next thing on our hearts...
The Parents and Pasotrs of Kigoma/Ujiji. While we hope to meet the tremendous needs of the children and youth in the area, we would also love to help teach and guide the parents and pastors to a place where they can do it themselves. This again goes back to the very reason we are there... to share the love of God by teaching them the Word of God. As parents begin to understand what God’s Word says to them about loving, disciplining, and leading their children in Christ, they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so. As pastors and churches see in the Word of God what their responsibility is to teach parents and to support them in their mission to love and raise godly children, they, too, will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so. It’s a long process, but one well worth it. During our time spent in the States, God brought to my attention the real tragedy and failure of parents, pastors, and churches in America in this very area (myself included). The family unit is Satan’s number one target! When men are sacrificially loving their wives and children, and women are sacrificially loving their husbands and children, and children are observing this biblical example and being disciplined in the Word and pointed to Christ... SATAN HATES IT! He hates it because families like that are mighty influences for the kingdom of God. Families like that are mighty weapons against the enemy of our souls. But our enemy has done a tremendous job, both in the States and all around the world, in his attacks on the family. And we are excited to be part of the solution in Tanzania. We pray that you are inspired by the Holy Spirit to be part of the solution in your own family, church, and community. I highly recommend the resources of my good friends at Family Discipleship Ministries. Please visit their website and/or give them a call to see how you, your family, and your church, might benefit from the Biblical wisdom and experience that they have to share. Their web address is www.parentingministry.org.
Praises and Prayer...- Please join with us in praising the Lord for His goodness to us in providing for our daily needs.
- We also want to thank Him for a healthy pregnancy for Carrie thus far.
- Please pray for a continued blessing upon Carrie and the baby in her womb; that the pregnancy, labor, and delivery would all go well.
- Please continue to pray for provision for the ministry in Africa, that we can get back and get busy, and be able to stay for a long time without worrying about support.
- Please pray for Jon’s friends David and Jaquie to be freed from the bondage of the Watchtower and come to a saving knowledge of and relationship with Christ.
- Please pray for Jon’s health and safe travels in July, August, and September as he ministers in East Africa.
- Please pray for Carrie and the kids as they stay behind in the States during these months, that the Lord would grant them peace and safety and bless their time together.
- Please pray for the whole family as we suffer the loss of one anothers' presence during this 10 week period.