Saturday, August 22, 2009

Prayer request for our friend and co-laborer Wes Bentley

I apologize for getting this out a little late...

On August 18th I received an email from the FRM office in the States that Wes had been admitted to the hospital with a sever case of malaria (Wes is the founder of FRM). On the 19th I received an additional email stating that Wes was doing better and then later, on the 20th, another email that he was back in the ICU and had taken a turn for the worse, and that the doctors weren't sure what else was at play here, other than malaria.

Many of us, and maybe some of you, were praying for him. Earlier today (the 21st) I received another update from the office that he had improved to the point where he was released from the hospital. Whatever was attacking his system, God has shown mercy and Wes is doing better.

Please continue to pray for our friend and co-laborer in Christ, that he would continue to rest and heal and get back to the call God has for him just as soon as God allows.


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