Saturday, December 22, 2007

Does God Celebrate Christmas?

I was thinking about something earlier today...

For those who manage to keep their minds and hearts set on Christ in the midst of all the paganism and materialism, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ, the Messiah, our Savior.

The thought crossed my mind earlier today about celebrating this "birthday" from the perspective of God the Father. Does He celebrate the day that His one and only Son gave up His rightful place in Heaven to take on the form of a man? Does He celebrate the day that marked the beginning of Christ's humiliation, suffering, and death? If I was sending my one and only son into battle in the middle east, with the full and sure knowledge that he would be captured, mocked, spat on, tortured, beaten, and illegally murdered, WOULD I CELEBRATE THE DAY HE LEFT FOR HIS SERVICE?

I am confident that God celebrates the results of what Christ accomplished, just as I would be thankful for the accomplishments of a faithful soldier-son, killed in battle. But would I celebrate the day I sent him off to his death?

Just a thought.

I will continue to celebrate the ENORMOUS SACRIFICE that Christ made in the incarnation - not annually, but daily. But I will celebrate it somberly at times, trying to put myself into the mind of God the Father - the One who sent His Son to His Death the very day He was born.

Home for the Holidays

We are currently staying with family in the San Diego area. We just wanted to let everyone know that we are safe and we did get our luggage back eventually. We'll be visiting with family through the end of December. Then, in January, we'll be visiting churches to share about the ministry in Kigoma before getting things together for our return home. I'll post our speaking schedule soon in case you'd like to come and see us. So far we're doing two Sunday mornings, one Sunday night, and two Wednesday nights. May God richly bless you with every spiritual blessing during this season of remembering Christ's birth.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

December 2007 Update

A Cow's Feeding Trough...

December is a time when we focus our thoughts on remembering the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. When we lived in America I always struggled with the emphasis on commercialism and obligatory gift giving during this time of the year. I love giving gifts, whether it's December or June, but I think any honest person will admit that 90% or more of Americans are 90% or more focused on the bundles of goods under the tree rather than the bundle of Good in the manger. Now please don't read this as an excuse to be a Grinch and hold back on gifts to those you love, because giving from the heart is a truly beautiful thing. But what I'm really trying to communicate is a word of encouragement and remembrance to everyone who reads our updates regarding the true beauty of Christmas.

The older I get and the more time I spend getting to know the Word of God and the God of the Word, the more I long for humility. I wish that I could humbly say that I had it... but I don't. That's why Christmas is so beautiful; because humility is so beautiful. And the humility of our Saviour is so powerfully evident when we consider His birth.

If you read the Nativity Story from the Gospel of Luke or the other Gospels, and then think through what was really happening, it is truly amazing and humbling. Meditate for a moment with me. Imagine that the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth was going to send His One and Only Son to the earth. Why would He choose to do so through a human birth!? That's so messy and complicated compared to other methods available to Him (which are infinite). Why would He choose a poor, young, working-class girl instead of a rich and powerful queen or empress? Why would He choose a girl from Nazareth in Galilee - a very poor village in an ill-regarded region of Israel - instead of a woman from a big city like Jerusalem in Judah? Why wouldn't He send throngs of Angels ahead of Mary to the Inn in Bethlehem to clear the Inn of all sinners and saints alike, making a place for His Son to be born in the best room at the best Inn available? Instead, the Inn was full and God looked on as the poor, young, unwed, working-class girl, from a poor village in an ill-regarded region of Israel, was escorted by her husband-to-be from the entrance of the small Inn to the stable area outside. Instead, the Father looked on as Mary settled into a bed of straw like one of the animals and began to push and cry in the pangs of childbirth until finally the Son of God came forth from her womb, bloody and wet and cold and in need of His mother's breast for warmth and nourishment. Instead, God looked on as His Only Son was wrapped in simple swaddling clothes and laid in the trough from which the cows ate their food. It doesn't get any more humble than that!

There is a beauty here that I fear I cannot express with words in this short letter (or any length of letter for that matter). I could write an entire book trying to accurately express and appreciate the beauty of Christ's humility - from Heaven, to the birth in a cow's feeding trough, through His life and earthly ministry, to His willing submission to the death on the cross, to His heavenly ministry now. But truly, that Book has already been written - the Bible. I've come to understand that a truly humble person is not one whose life is defined as one of humility. Rather, the qualities and characteristics of their life's actions are themselves the very definition of humility. If you read in the Bible about Christ - from His pre-incarnate state to His birth, life, death, and resurrection - you will read the very definition of pure and true humility. And one of the outstanding characteristics of that life was its beginning... "the first Christmas".

The reason for Christ's humility is also evident from reading the Bible. It is as one of my favorite songs phrases it, "the Kingdom in reverse". The King became the servant. The first became the last. "The Shepherd is the Lamb". The reason for Christ's beautiful humility - in His birth and otherwise - is because God loves each and every one of us SO MUCH, that He chose to come and serve us in order to make a way for us to truly know Him. He chose to give up that which was rightfully His in order to give us what we had no rights to. And for those of us who willingly choose to follow Him, He clearly teaches us to do the same because we have chosen to be His servants, making us no greater than Him who became a servant of all.

This is a difficult thing for me; humility. But when I think of Christmas and the awesome beauty of what Christ did in humbling Himself on my behalf, I am encouraged in my inner man and desire to be like Him in his humility. I am reminded of 1st John chapter 3, "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us." This GREAT LOVE, demonstrated by a life of humility that began with His humble human birth in a cow's feeding trough, inspires and instructs me to follow in His footsteps. I am encouraged to "Have this attitude in [myself] which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be held onto, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."

For me, this is the true beauty of Christmas: my humble Saviour. May we recognize what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us this Christmas. May we recognize the very definition of humility in the birth, life, and death of Christ. May we have the same "mind" or "attitude" as Christ did.

That's the end of my preaching... for now.

As for the field...

The students finished up there semester at the Bible College. Most of them did very well. It's difficult to adjust to teaching in a culture where most of the students have only completed 3rd or 4th grade. I’m learning to teach "how to be a student" along with the actual teaching of each subject. I guess I can say that we are all learning!

We’re moving towards getting the church here officially registered with the government. This will take some time and money, but we hope to have it accomplished next year. We are also VERY EXCITED about the vision and plans for ministry to the youth and women. We are planning to start a monthly youth concert for the whole Kigoma area next year, and pray the Lord will bless it and provide for a way to eventually have a full-time youth center. We are also working with the women of the church - who are very poor and are often widows or have husbands who do not provide for them and the children - in order to assist them in generating an income for their families to survive. The 15 women in the group worked hard in a small garden last year and were able to sell the fruits of their labors to raise capital to buy materials for making clothes and mats and soap. We hope to assist them in generating income from these items by offering them to our friends, family, and supporters in the States in exchange for donations. We are bringing some dresses, shirts, and mats with us this winter, so if you're interested let us know.

May God richly bless you this Christmas with a closer walk with Him, in all humility and service to Him and those He desires to touch through you.

In Christ,
Jon and Carrie,
Kevan, Keenan, Caleb, & Jada

Safe and Sound and Naked in Los Angeles

We made it safely to LAX about one hour later than expected on Wednesday, December 5th. Unfortunately British Airways "misplaced" the two pieces of luggage with ALL of the kids' clothes and Carrie's clothes (except for a couple pair of shoes). So we're safe and sound and staying with my grandpa and his wife in Hawthorne. My wife and kids have a choice of wearing my clothes or going naked! Just kidding. As of now we're washing their clothes while we sleep each night and re-wearing the same clothes each day. The British Airways agent at LAX said that they cannot offer any financial help for clothing at the airport, but that we'd have to contact "Customer Relations" in New York and gave me their business card. WHAT A JOKE! Anyhow, I don't want to get fleshy and irritated again. I'm done with that. What's important is that we're here, we're safe, we have at least one set of clothes, and our family is feeding us well! I even convinced them to turn the heater on for us because, believe it or not, Southern California feels VERY COLD to us compared to Kigoma! Bwana asifiwe!