Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day Ten in Nimule (Journal Entry)

6:02 pm - The teaching went better today. I made it clear that they should not be looking around while I was teaching. It was such a distraction to me. I also made an announcement about NO CELL PHONES and wrote it on the whiteboard. It's always funny to me to think of how many Africans have cell phones. After lunch, James and Vicky and I had a great conversation about spiritual things. The topic would remain for a while and then slowly morph and drift to a new one and we encouraged each other in the Word for almost an hour. It was good conversation and I really enjoyed getting to know James and Vicky better through their expressions of Spiritual truths and personal application. Then I went to my room and was faithful to study for a couple of hours. It was actually a very good time and I thank the Lord for it. I need to be faithful. In fact I heard Him saying that and not only did I actually here clearly but obeyed also. This is good. I am growing again. The culture in the States entices me to corrupt what I know is right and become so lazy, complacent, spiritually numb, etc. I’m glad that is changing again. I pray that I will mature to a point where I cannot be so easily enticed by any country, culture, system, etc. to a spiritually dry and dying state like that any more.

9:32 pm - Dinner was the same as lunch... rice, beans, ugali, greens. The greens are pretty good though. Adds a new flavor to the rice and beans. Before dinner Raymond gave me the pics he took of me teaching. Then I came to my room to study Genesis some more and write this.
Teaching the first week of the Genesis class

A few of our missionaries were in vehicle accidents in the last few days. It has me thinking about how easy it is for it to happen over here. I want to pray before driving each time and even while driving. That’s how difficult and dangerous driving is in Africa. I talked to the kids today and they told me about their trip to “Castle Park” in Riverside. A really nice guy who works at the Conference Center in Murrieta also works there part time and got them free passes for the day. It was so cute to her them tell me about the rides etc. Caleb was the cutest this time though because he told me so much and in so much detail. It was such a blessing! Carrie told me that she was on my bed at the Conference Center (she isn’t washing the sheets because they smell like me - or the last outfit I wore the day I left for that matter - she’s so cute) and Jada said to her something like “Baba isn’t here” and then she said “I miss daddy, do you miss daddy?” And Jada said yes “I miss daddy” and then said “I KISS daddy”. So Carrie told her she could give me a kiss on the phone so she did when I talked to them tonight. It was so cute. I love Jada’s little kisses and miss them and her so much. I really appreciate what I have when I’m not with them.

Lord, make my heart like Yours, especially towards Carrie and the kids. I love You and thank You for them and ask for You to bless their socks off! Thank You again for Your love for me and for them and for us as a family.

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