Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Health Update

A week and a half ago I came down with a nasty flu. That flu gave rise to one of the nastiest sinus infections (sinusitis) that I've ever had, and at the same time a pretty bad case of bronchitis (these have both been chronic for me since December 2007). A few days into the pain and suffering Kevan got the flu. The next day is was Jada and Carrie. The day after it was Caleb. Then, a couple days later it was finally Keenan. Thankfully the kids seemed to get a rather "normal" flu that really stunk for a few days and then started dissipating. Carrie, like me, has a lingering bronchitis. Thank you to everyone that has been praying and please continue to do so. We hope to all be well very soon.

Because of the sicknesses we couldn't go to church this past Sunday, but we pray you had a blessed time remembering the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ.

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