Please read this post, but prepare yourself in advance for the graphic and disturbing truth revealed.
Is New Really Improved?
What truly separates modern man from those we study in books? We tend to study history through a telescope, as if our ancestors were somehow alien, instead of using the vision God gave us... up close and personal. Though the facts and figures of history are separated from us by a great gulf of time, they are not physically far away and out of reach like some distant galaxy. We can touch the past - with the gloved hands of the present - through the records and annals of historical knowledge collected and preserved through time. We can know and learn from our predecessors. We are not their superiors, but their descendants. We are neither their prosecutors nor advocates, but the gallery, learning from their past actions and the judgments of the Great Judge. We find ourselves living in the most historically egocentric generations of all time, deeming each generation before as successively inferior. We consider technological and scientific advancement proof of our preferred evolutionary status. And yet, for all of our research, scientific, technological, and industrial success, we are fools; for "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" Psalm 14:1. At our core we are no different than our peers of old. Only now we use different blinders to avoid the greatest and harshest of realities. Now we use bigger, bolder, supposedly better methods and means of distracting ourselves from the truth of who we are: sinners all.
The Old
There is an Ammonite deity who goes by the name of Molech. He goes by various other names within the Semitic sub-cultures of the Levant region. The Punic peoples called him Kronos. Whatever the name, he is a god of great power, proving capable of destroying many kingdoms and cultures, and bringing great shame upon the peoples who worship him. In fact, in the Semitic language of Hebrew, his name is derived by taking the word for "king" and substituting the vowel points from the word for "shame". I shall call him ‘the king of shame’. It was this very king of shame that King Solomon allowed into the nation of Israel. And after giving time for repentance, God tore Solomon’s kingdom apart and took it from him, just like the children who passed through the fires of Molech were torn apart and taken from this world.
There are different historical accounts of the king of shame and the way in which the shameful worshiped him. They vary slightly, but as a whole they paint a clear picture. Like any god, past or present, the king of shame was worshiped so that the worshipers might somehow receive a benefit. The benefit desired by the worshiper is irrelevant. The fact that a person is willing to do whatever seems necessary to achieve that benefit is in itself the act of worship, regardless of the god being worshiped or the benefit being sought. Whether the god is ancient or new, famous, infamous or nameless, well respected, popular, or hated, the sacrificing of time, money, people, energy, thought, or prayer in order to achieve a desired benefit is an act of worship. For the worshipers of the king of shame, the way to achieve their desired benefit was to sacrifice life... specifically the life of a child.
Most people absolutely cringe at the idea of “child sacrifice”. They picture a young, innocent child, bound and gagged and cut open by the blade of a madman. Or maybe they’ve done
research into the ways of worship of the various cultures of the world and can picture the bronze idol of the king of shame, arms outstretched over a pyre aflame, metal body heated to a radiant red. And then they can envision the priest taking the small child from the stoic parents and placing her upon the blazing bronze arms of the king of shame, watching her little limbs contract and disintegrate in the severe heat, and seeing what appears to be a smile on her face as her cooking facial muscles slightly curl her open mouth into the shape of laughter. Maybe now they will get what they really want.
The New
If I were to go to my local donut shop tomorrow morning to get a donut and a cup of coffee, I would find that the owners have placed a small statue of Buddha in the back corner of the store and have placed money, food, and incense in front of him as a sacrifice. They are sacrificing these things in order to receive a benefit they are seeking, presumably good business and/or happiness. If I were to look at the bank statements of certain people I know today, I would find that they have sent thousands upon thousands of dollars to a man or woman they saw on television who promised them good health and an incredible ROI (return on investment) directly from heaven because of their "faith". They, too, have made a sacrifice in order to receive a benefit that they desire, again, presumably wealth and happiness. I know those who sacrifice so much time and money to books and television shows and CDs that promise them the benefit of wealth, happiness, “spirituality”, etc. Whatever we sacrifice to for the desired benefit is the god we worship!
Is New Really Improved?
What truly separates modern man from those we study in books? We tend to study history through a telescope, as if our ancestors were somehow alien, instead of using the vision God gave us... up close and personal. Though the facts and figures of history are separated from us by a great gulf of time, they are not physically far away and out of reach like some distant galaxy. We can touch the past - with the gloved hands of the present - through the records and annals of historical knowledge collected and preserved through time. We can know and learn from our predecessors. We are not their superiors, but their descendants. We are neither their prosecutors nor advocates, but the gallery, learning from their past actions and the judgments of the Great Judge. We find ourselves living in the most historically egocentric generations of all time, deeming each generation before as successively inferior. We consider technological and scientific advancement proof of our preferred evolutionary status. And yet, for all of our research, scientific, technological, and industrial success, we are fools; for "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'" Psalm 14:1. At our core we are no different than our peers of old. Only now we use different blinders to avoid the greatest and harshest of realities. Now we use bigger, bolder, supposedly better methods and means of distracting ourselves from the truth of who we are: sinners all.
The Old

There is an Ammonite deity who goes by the name of Molech. He goes by various other names within the Semitic sub-cultures of the Levant region. The Punic peoples called him Kronos. Whatever the name, he is a god of great power, proving capable of destroying many kingdoms and cultures, and bringing great shame upon the peoples who worship him. In fact, in the Semitic language of Hebrew, his name is derived by taking the word for "king" and substituting the vowel points from the word for "shame". I shall call him ‘the king of shame’. It was this very king of shame that King Solomon allowed into the nation of Israel. And after giving time for repentance, God tore Solomon’s kingdom apart and took it from him, just like the children who passed through the fires of Molech were torn apart and taken from this world.
There are different historical accounts of the king of shame and the way in which the shameful worshiped him. They vary slightly, but as a whole they paint a clear picture. Like any god, past or present, the king of shame was worshiped so that the worshipers might somehow receive a benefit. The benefit desired by the worshiper is irrelevant. The fact that a person is willing to do whatever seems necessary to achieve that benefit is in itself the act of worship, regardless of the god being worshiped or the benefit being sought. Whether the god is ancient or new, famous, infamous or nameless, well respected, popular, or hated, the sacrificing of time, money, people, energy, thought, or prayer in order to achieve a desired benefit is an act of worship. For the worshipers of the king of shame, the way to achieve their desired benefit was to sacrifice life... specifically the life of a child.
Most people absolutely cringe at the idea of “child sacrifice”. They picture a young, innocent child, bound and gagged and cut open by the blade of a madman. Or maybe they’ve done

The New
If I were to go to my local donut shop tomorrow morning to get a donut and a cup of coffee, I would find that the owners have placed a small statue of Buddha in the back corner of the store and have placed money, food, and incense in front of him as a sacrifice. They are sacrificing these things in order to receive a benefit they are seeking, presumably good business and/or happiness. If I were to look at the bank statements of certain people I know today, I would find that they have sent thousands upon thousands of dollars to a man or woman they saw on television who promised them good health and an incredible ROI (return on investment) directly from heaven because of their "faith". They, too, have made a sacrifice in order to receive a benefit that they desire, again, presumably wealth and happiness. I know those who sacrifice so much time and money to books and television shows and CDs that promise them the benefit of wealth, happiness, “spirituality”, etc. Whatever we sacrifice to for the desired benefit is the god we worship!
In the last 35 years, my fellow Americans, some of them family members and close friends, have sacrificed sacred life to the king of shame in order to receive the benefit of health, wealth, and/or happiness. They have given various reasons and explanations to assuage the guilt of the truth, but the facts remain: 50,000,000 children (yes, that’s fifty million!) have been shamefully sacrificed for the benefit of happiness, health, or wealth in this country alone. You won’t find a lunatic legion of the criminally insane behind it all. You’ll find average, everyday people. Some of
them so self-centered and egocentric that they can’t even recognize themselves as the shameful worshipers they are. Some of them scared and confused children who didn’t have a family that loved them enough to tell them the truth and help them through their difficult time. Some of them are dastardly and deceitful people of power and position whose agenda of self-promotion was the benefit desired and achieved. Most were simple people persuaded by pop culture, pop psychology, and the propaganda of relativism. Whatever the reason, whoever the scapegoat, the ultimate end was
the sacrifice of a child’s life for the benefit of another person. Like those who lived before us, we continue to hand over our children to the priest of pleasure so that we might have less stress, or avoid responsibility, or do what feels right at the moment to achieve the desired benefit. We, like those before us, continue to stand by and watch as the child is placed into the welcoming arms of Molech, consumed by the torturous, burning pain of the saline or urea solution. Slowly and painfully the body is maliciously mutilated by the cocktail, while the child - piece by piece - falls into the the pyre below: the vacuum canister. Thus the sacrifice is complete, the benefit secured. The god of shame has been given his due, as have we, the shamed.
I shudder and weep at what is in store for us after the time of God’s mercy and patience is passed, and the cup of His wrath is full. Don’t mistake patience for passivity. Just as He is full of grace and will blot out the transgressions of those who repent and call upon His name, He is also righteous, and will blot out the wicked and unrepentant from this life and damn them to eternal punishment. These aren’t my rules or ideas. They’re His. Read it for yourself in His Word.

I shudder and weep at what is in store for us after the time of God’s mercy and patience is passed, and the cup of His wrath is full. Don’t mistake patience for passivity. Just as He is full of grace and will blot out the transgressions of those who repent and call upon His name, He is also righteous, and will blot out the wicked and unrepentant from this life and damn them to eternal punishment. These aren’t my rules or ideas. They’re His. Read it for yourself in His Word.
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