There is a maturity in Christ and as men in general that these former graduates of the Chaplain and Pastors Training School in Nimule possess. It was such a blessing to serve along side them, and to be able to teach and influence the new class of students (Class 7) to be the same type of
men: Godly husbands, Godly fathers, Godly leaders, Godly examples of Christ and His redeeming love and grace. Please remember to pray for the current students, as many of them come for chaplain training without truly even knowing Christ. Maybe they were raised by “christian” parents, but they’ve never actually recognized their personal sin and called upon the grace of God in Jesus Christ for forgiveness. This class has just begun (I was the very first teacher of Class 7), and there is testimony of former students who did not give their lives to Christ until they had been there for three months! Also, remember to pray for the former graduates of Classes 1-6, as they serve the Lord by bringing the good news of Christ’s grace and hope to the battle-hardened hearts and often conscience-seared minds of the men of the SPLA. Some of the former graduates have even left active duty to plant churches in their home villages, like Pastor Tobias, who has planted Maranatha Chapel in Pageri. I had the opportunity to visit the church on a Friday for their weekly women’s Bible study. Normally Vicky Bentley, one of the Nimule staff, or Pastor Tobias will teach the study, but since I was here they asked me to come and share. It’s about and hour and a half drive North from Nimule towards Juba (the captial of Southern Sudan). Vicky had left off at Luke 22, so I was blessed with the opportunity to teach them about the “Lord’s Supper”. I had a great time. There were so many ladies there that the
entire church was packed! In the two weeks previous to my arrival, there had been a team visiting from Maranatha Chapel in San Diego had held a women’s conference in Pageri and many new ladies had given their lives to Christ during the conference. So I got to teach to a
FULL HOUSE. The culture of the church in America - at least in Southern California - is one in which men rarely, if ever, teach a women’s Bible Study. But here, they consider it a blessing and an honor to have a man come and teach them. Reciprocally, it was a blessing and an honor for me.
Kigoma, Tanzania. Now that I’m back in Kigoma there is much to do. Teaching, working on the house to prepare it for the family, visiting villages both here in Tanzania and also in Congo (if God wills), and immigration paperwork to prepare for the new baby to be added to my work permit. It’s a bit overwhelming, and, to be honest, I miss Carrie and the kids terribly. So please pray for strength for all of us. Also, please pray for God to give us clear vision as to what things He wants us to do and in what order of priority. There are so many open doors that we just can’t walk through them all. We continue to ask Him, and to ask you to ask Him, for co-laborers in this endeavor. It’s nice to be back though, and to see the brothers and sisters at Calvary Chapel Kigoma. They are doing well and still meeting in the same small unfinished house on the hill in Mlole with the tarp roof.
Southern California, USA. Carrie and the kids are doing well. Carrie’s hands are VERY full with the kids and her pregnancy, but we communicate regularly and God is giving her the grace to handle it. All of her check-ups with the OB/GYN have been good, with the baby growing normal and healthy. She has even managed to somehow have the strength to have one, and even two, of the kids’ friends over to spend the night. I know that made the kids really happy. Carrie is plugging away at the homeschooling and the boys seem to be doing very well. Kevan and Keenan will be taking a test soon to give us an idea of how they’re doing compared to the “norm”. The test is actually an older one that’s harder than the ones they use today. For some reason the U.S. Education system keeps making their aptitude/achievement tests easier all the time. You can pray that the kids will continue to do well in their schooling as well as on the tests. Jada is getting big and growing up fast. With three older brothers she’s learned to be stubborn and independent at an early age so that she can hold her own. When I talk to the family on the phone and it’s her turn to talk, Carrie will put the phone up to her ear so it’s placed correctly so she can hear me, but she will grab it from Carrie and say, “Me do it.” It’s so cute (I’m sure I won’t think so when she’s a little older), and makes me miss her so much. But I know the Lord is keeping us all in His grace and love and we will be reunited soon.
Praises and Prayer...
- Please join with us in praising the Lord for His goodness to us in providing for our daily needs.
- We also want to thank Him for a healthy pregnancy for Carrie thus far and pray for a continued blessing upon Carrie and the baby in her womb; that the pregnancy, labor, and delivery would all go well.
- Please continue to pray for provision for the ministry in Africa, that we can stay busy, and be able to stay for a long time without having to think about finances.
- Please pray for Jon’s health and safe travels in July, August, and September as he ministers in East Africa.
- Please pray for Carrie and the kids as they stay behind in the States during these months, that the Lord would grant them peace and safety and bless their time together.
- Praise the Lord for His goodness in providing a vehicle for us to use when we are in the States. - Please pray that it will run strong and problem-free for Carrie and the kids while I’m not there.
- We really need language training in order to be more effective in Tanzania. Please make this a matter of prayer on our behalf, as this will cost a few thousand dollars if this is what God wants us to do.
- Lastly, please pray for the funds for a new phone/modem. The Nokia phone that we’ve used for the past two years is about to “give up the ghost”. This is our line to the outside world for both voice calls and Internet/Email access. A new one costs a few hundred dollars (there are no contracts in Africa to offset the cost).
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